Alexander L. Kalamkarov: Artist Statement
My favorite artist Amedeo Modigliani once said: “What I look for is neither reality nor unreality but the subconscious, the instinctive mystery of the human race.” Another great artist, Edvard Munch wrote: “We want more than a mere photograph of nature. We want to create an art that arrests and engages, an art created of one’s innermost heart.” I feel very similar. My artwork includes oil paintings, ceramics and most recently the oil and acrylic paintings on slate stones. My paintings are based on my original drawings. They are first and very important stage in my artistic work. I have accumulated thousands of original drawings, and I draw new ones every day. Only carefully selected drawings are then used for my paintings and ceramic masks or statuettes. I like pure colors, and bold compositions of different, sometimes contradictory colors. For example, combination of blue, purple, pink, and yellow is often seen in my paintings.
My artwork portrays the faces and bodies, scenes from nature and architectural landscapes. But they don’t copy them. They are more likely to convey impressions, emotions, and aesthetics. The images created by me have never existed before. Through the harmony of lines, shapes, and colours they reveal a mystery of our spirit, imagination and fantasy and a beauty of our world. My artwork, probably, can be attributed to expressionism and surrealism. But I believe that it is unique and does not copy any artist or artistic direction.
Please watch a documentary film about me and my artwork. Here is a link:
Alexander L. Kalamkarov: Beauty in the Subconscious
I had a large solo art show in Halifax during March 2023 in the Archives Nova Scotia. Please watch my video presentation from this my art show. Here is a link for my presentation in English:
Alexander L. Kalamkarov: Art Show in Halifax, Canada in March 2023
Here is a link for my presentation in Russian:
Александр Каламкаров_Презентация из Картинной галереи_15 марта 2023 г.
Please, have a closer look at the web Gallery on “Paintings on Stones” at the website. Since beginning of 2021, I have created over 100 works of this kind. These are slate stones from Canadian Atlantic Ocean beaches created by glaciers, ocean waves and winds during millions of years. The shapes and reliefs on stones that I am choosing inspire certain images that I am painting. Each work is unique as there are no identical stones in nature. These works are essentially 3D, and photos can give you only very limited impression. Please watch the videos of rotating painted stones at my Youtube Channel, here are the links:
Alex Kalamkarov: Major Works on Painting on Stones
Alex Kalamkarov: Abstract Images
Alex Kalamkarov: Great Composers
Alex Kalamkarov: Great Philosophers and Historical Figures
Alex Kalamkarov: Great Artists, Poets and Writers
Alex Kalamkarov: Wonderful Places, People and Animals
Art album with illustrations of the selected paintings, ceramic works, paintings on slate stones and drawings by Alexander L. Kalamkarov is available for purchase on Amazon.com